Ever send a message you wish you could take back? Well, now you can… on Facebook! Just make sure you do it within 10 minutes.
Samsung unveiled a foldable phone
At its developers conference.
Russia’s Internet Research Agency may have been behind Facebook election meddling
A web site claiming to represent Russia’s Internet Research Agency says it ran a network of fake Facebook and Instagram accounts that attempted to interfere in the midterm elections.
Facebook, Twitter whack away at midterm misinformation on Election Day
As voters headed to the polls on Election Day, social media companies scoured their platforms for any content that would deter them.
Amazon II is too much, so there will be two second headquarters instead of one
Amazon has made the decision to shift its placement of a second headquartersco-equal with Seattle from one city to two.
Google transforms logo for Election Day to two words: ‘Go Vote’
Google updated its search logo Tuesday, telling its users to “Go Vote” as it takes them to resources where they can learn where to head to the polls.
Facebook discloses possible election meddling by Russia, foreign actors on eve of midterms
Acting on a tip from law enforcement,Facebook removed more than 100 accounts on Facebook and Instagram believed to be from Russia or foreign actors.
Sponsored ads on Amazon not fooling shoppers
Amazon is finding gold in sponsored posts but what is it costing consumers? Jefferson Graham reports on #TalkingTech
Scientists discover one of the oldest stars in the universe
Scientists have just discovered a star that’s around 13.5 billion years old.
Scientists solve why smallest flightless bird is stranded on island
The world’s smallest flightless bird is stranded on an isolated island in the South Atlantic Ocean and scientists think they solved this 100-year old puzzle. Buzz 60’s Justin Kircher has the story.