During the coronavirus crisis, videoconferencing tool Zoom has seen demand skyrocket. It’s also had zoom-bombing interruptions and security issues.
Author: Mike Snider, USA TODAY
‘Us grocery store workers need to be fairly compensated.’ Protests at Amazon, Whole Foods begin.
Workers at Whole Foods Market planned to call in sick Tuesday to protest work conditions at stores. They want hazard pay and safety supplies.
Work strikes at Amazon, Instacart and Whole Foods show essential workers’ safety concerns
Workers at Amazon, Instacart and Whole Foods are striking for improved safety measures, medical coverage and hazard pay during the coronavirus crisis.
Video games can be a healthy social pastime during coronavirus pandemic
At the behest of the World Health Organization, video game companies are promoting hand washing, physical distancing during the coronavirus crisis.
More than 150K Instacart workers threaten national strike over coronavirus hazard concerns
More than 150,000 Instacart shoppers and drivers threaten to go on strike unless the company improves coronavirus hazard pay and safety measures.
Airbnb wants to provide free, subsidized lodging for 100,000 personnel fighting COVID-19
Airbnb will make available free or subsidized housing to 100,000 healthcare and medical personnel, first responders and other COVID-19 relief workers.
Coronavirus home lesson plans, coming for free in ‘Minecraft’
‘Minecraft,’ played on iPads, video game consoles and computers, is getting free educational content for kids stuck at home during the coronavirus.
Wondering if you have coronavirus symptoms? Ask Siri and the iPhone assistant can help
Apple has updated its iOS so that on iPhones, MacBooks and other devices Siri can answer your questions about symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19().
What is essential and non-essential during a pandemic?
With New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo instituting an order that all non-essential workers stay home, we look at what is an “essential” industry or employee.
Charter, MicroStrategy reverse policies, allow work at home during coronavirus outbreak
While many work at home to prevent spread of the coronavirus, some companies held out. Charter and MicroStrategy have now reversed their positions.