‘Uniting America’ will be the DNC convention’s theme. Speakers include former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Author: Joey Garrison, USA TODAY
Boston Marathon bomber’s death sentence overturned, new trial ordered for sentencing phase
A federal appeals court said the new trial for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will only decide whether he’s executed. He remains in prison for life.
Notre Dame withdraws from hosting first presidential debate because of COVID-19 constraints
The first debate between President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden will take place in Cleveland.
No presidential winner on election night? Mail-in ballots could put outcome in doubt for weeks
Mass mail-in voting could require a long time to tally all the votes for the race for president. Some worry what that would mean.
U.S. voter registration plummets during coronavirus pandemic, challenging both parties
The sharp reduction in voter registration complicates campaign efforts in battleground states ahead of the 2020 election.
Republicans close to decision on new host city for Trump and the Republican National Convention
RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Tuesday mentioned Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Tennessee as potential host states.
Joe Biden comes out against ‘defund the police’ push amid mounting attacks from Trump after George Floyd protests
Joe Biden’s campaign said the former vice president does not support defunding police in the wake of protests after George Floyd’s death.
Nearly one-third of Americans believe a coronavirus vaccine exists and is being withheld, survey finds
The Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape Project with USA TODAY found some misinformation about the coronavirus is more widespread that you might think.
College admissions scandal: Ex-UCLA soccer coach pleads guilty to taking $200K in bribes
Jorge Salcedo, head soccer coach at UCLA from 2004 to 2019, will become the 33rd parent to plead guilty in the college admissions scandal.
Restaurants upset after missing out on fixes sought in new coronavirus relief package
Despite new funds, restaurants say policy changes to the Paycheck Protection Program are still needed for their industry to come back.