Google DOJ lawsuit
Author: Jessica Guynn, USA TODAY
Can’t remember the name of that song? Now you can hum it to Google
This may be music to your ears: You can now hum, whistle or sing a tune, even off-key, and Google will identify it, or at least show you some options.
Trump believes QAnon claim it’s fighting pedophiles, refuses to disavow extremist conspiracy theory
President Donald Trump said he believes “very strongly” in one of the central beliefs of QAnon that it’s fighting a “deep state” of pedophiles.
Trump vs. Tech
What’s Section 230?
‘It’s already having a massive effect,’ corporate America demands Trump rescind executive order on diversity
Diversity consultants are calling on corporate America to get on ‘right side of history’ and protest Trump executive order on diversity training.
Facebook bans political ads after polls close on Election Day as U.S. tensions rise
With tensions rising between Trump and Biden, Facebook is taking new steps to keep the candidates from casting doubt on the election and its outcome.
Wells Fargo’s diversity initiative to hire more Black leaders probed by Labor Department
Wells Fargo has received an inquiry from the Labor Department questioning if its diversity initiative violates federal race discrimination laws.
Microsoft plan to increase Black representation in its U.S. workforce probed by Labor Department
Microsoft says Labor Department is investigating if its commitment to increase Black representation in its U.S. workforce violates civil rights laws.
Trump: Large spreader
You can preorder a $100 ‘Trump defeats COVID’ commemorative coin at White House Gift Shop
The $100 “Trump defeats COVID” coins are for sale on the website of the White House Gift Shop, which is not affiliated with the White House.