Earthlings have received another fantastic shot of the “space snowman.”It’s the clearest view yet of this ancient object in the far reaches of the solar system.
Author: Doyle Rice, USA TODAY
Doomsday Clock: It’s still 2 minutes to midnight because of nuclear weapons and climate change
Does anybody really know what time it is? Well, yes: The folks who keep track of the “Doomsday Clock,” and it’s two minutes to midnight.
Fake news during 2016 campaign shared mostly on Twitter by older conservatives, study says
Fake news during the 2016 presidential campaign was seen and shared by only a very small fraction of Twitter users, a scientific study reports.
Scientists are just now seeing 13-billion-year-old light from black holes
It took 13 billion years, but light from the firstblack holes in the universe is finally reaching our telescopes.
How close are we to Doomsday? We’ll find out Thursday.
Does anybody really know what time it is? Well, yes: The folks who keep track of the “Doomsday Clock,” and they’ll let us know Thursday.
Relentless winter: Snowstorm pounds central U.S.; brutal cold will follow
Yet another winter stormbegan to batter the central U.S. on Tuesday, closing schools and wreaking travel havoc on the roads and at the airports.
Greenland ice melting faster than scientists had thought, nears ‘tipping point’
Ice on Greenland is melting four times faster than it did just 16 years ago, a new study reports.
Saturn’s famous rings are a ‘recent’ addition to the giant planet
They’re the solar system’s most iconic feature, but Saturn’s glorious rings haven’t always been there, a new study suggests.
Trouble brewing? World’s most popular coffee species at risk of extinction due to global warming
About 60 percent of the world’s wild coffee species are at high risk of extinction, a new study suggests.
Antarctic ice melting 6 times faster than it did in ’80s
Antarctic ice is melting at a rate that’s over six times faster than it was just 40 years ago, a new study reports.