Ferocious winds from a potent ‘bomb cyclone’ roared across the eastern U.S. Monday, leaving hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses powerless.
Author: Doyle Rice, USA TODAY
‘It’s snowing in Hollywood!’ Snowflakes seen in and around Los Angeles
Forget the red carpet Sunday, the Oscars may have a white carpet!
Neptune’s new moon Hippocamp is so tiny that it wasn’t detected in 1989 during flyby, scientists report
A new moon has been found near Neptune, joining the other 13 we knewabout. It’s so small that it wasn’t detected during the 1989 Voyager 2 flyby.
Super Moon? Snow Moon? Full moon? Whatever you call it, a lunar spectacle is coming Monday night/Tuesday morning
Whether you call it full, snow or super, the biggest, brightest moon of the year is coming to a sky near you Monday night/Tuesday morning.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day: Newly discovered dinosaur had heart-shaped tail
The dinosaur that wears its “heart” on its tail provides new clues to how ecosystems evolved in Africa, a new study suggests.
Wreck of long-lost WWII aircraft carrier USS Hornet discovered in the Pacific
For 76 years, she lay on the ocean floor, a quiet tomb for 140 sailors who died the day she sank. Now, for the first time since then, humans have laid eyes on the Hornet.
By 2080, global warming will make New York City feel like Arkansas
Because ofglobal warming, hundreds of millions of Americans will have to adapt to dramatically new climates by 2080, astudy suggests.
Stonehenge mystery solved? Prehistoric French may have inspired it and other European megaliths
A new study suggests that an ancient culture in what’s now the Brittany region of northwestFrance may have begun building themegaliths some 7,000 years ago.
Dozens of polar bears invade remote Russian town, create ’emergency situation’
A mass invasion of polar bears has caused an “emergency situation” in the small Russian settlement of Belushya Guba.
Huge storms spotted on Uranus and Neptune
Yes, other planets have weather and seasons, but they’re nothing like what we have here on Earth.