The first “Marsquake” has been detected. The finding”officially kicks off a new field: Martian seismology!,” said Bruce Banerdt of NASA.
Author: Doyle Rice, USA TODAY
Bad air days on the rise: The nation’s most polluted city is …
Though California cities have the nation’s worst air quality, as usual, a new report finds that smog and soot pollution is increasing in other U.S. cities as well.
For richer, for poorer: Global warming has made the world’s rich richer and the poor poorer, study says
Due in part to rising temperatures from human-caused climate change,the gap between the world’s poorest and richest people has increased in the past half-century.
Get off the screen and look up! The Lyrid meteor shower is coming to a sky near you Sunday and Monday nights
The Lyrid meteor shower will be coming to a sky near you both Sunday and Monday nights, though a bright moon may interfere with the skywatching fun.
Blown by the wind, ‘microplastic’ pollution discovered in pristine mountain peaks
We’ve polluted the deepest oceans with plastic garbage, so it’s not surprising we’re also ruining our most pristine mountain peaks too.
So, we’ve seen the first-ever photo of a black hole. What happens now?
Is the adventure over? No, far from it: “The researchers who captured the first-ever images of a black hole don’t plan to rest on their laurels.”
Life in outer space: NASA studies health changes between astronaut twins Scott and Mark Kelly
Space travelers in moviesmay zip around the universe with no ill effects, but in reality we have no idea how humans will react to being in outer space for years on end.
New human species discovered in a cave in the Philippines
A tiny, long-lost cousin of our own human species was discovered, scientists announced.
‘We have seen what we thought was unseeable’: First photo of a black hole revealed
Astronomers releasedthe first picture of a black hole. What we see in the image is gas and dust circling the hole, far enough away to be safe.
Dogs can sniff out lung cancer with 97% accuracy through their super-sensitive noses
Here’s another reason to love dogs. Using their super-sensitive noses, dogs were able to sniff out lung cancer in samples of humanblood with 97% accuracy.