Holy honey! That’s a lot of bees! Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Author: Buzz60
Eating leftover rice can make you very sick
Eating leftover rice could pose a health risk, according to health experts.
Would you eat insect ice cream? Scientists are developing more bug-based foods
Will we be eating maggot sausages and insect ice-cream in the near future? Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
This is the best way to keep your battery life
Here are the ways to keep your phone’s battery life. Buzz60’s Natasha Abellard has the story.
Jeff Bezos’ Amazon HQ office has bulletproof walls as part of $1.6M security costs
The Security and Exchange Commission says Amazon spends $1.6 million to keep CEO Jeff Bezos safe.
New study: Americans spend nearly $1,000 a month on bills
A new report analyzed what people in the 25 largest US metros spend a month.
GOP congressman claims Russia has nukes in Venezuela
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart says if the Maduro regime survives, it could be an open door for the Russians and Chinese to affect U.S. national security.
7-Eleven will deliver beer and snacks to your door
7-Eleven will start delivering beer and cider in 18 cities, according to Food + Wine. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more.
Did the Indian Army just find evidence of the ‘Abominable Snowman?’
The Indian Army says that it has apparently found footprints of a Yeti, also called the “abominable snowman.”
Adorable, baby penguins settle into their new home
These adorable newborn Northern Rockhopper penguin chicks are settling into their new home.