Not cleaning out your dirty car could cost you! Buzz60s Mercer Morrison has the story.
Author: Buzz60
These products may make you flunk a drug test
What happens when you test positive in the screening and you have never touched the stuff. Some everyday foods and other products could be the culprit.
Gucci slammed for selling $790 turban
Critics are slamming Gucci for selling a turban as a fashion accessory and charging a premium for it.
Thoughtful and inexpensive graduation gifts
If you’re having a hard time deciding what to get a recent grad, look no further! Here are a few effective items that won’t break the bank.
This volcano formed in a completely new way than any other on Earth
A volcano beneath Bermuda apparently formed in a way that has never been seen before.
A mysterious ‘dense bullet’ blasted a giant hole in the Milky Way
Due to its size (about a million times our sun’s mass), scientists aren’t quite sure; too big to be a star and there’s no black hole nearby.
Study says fast walkers may live longer
A new study published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that people who walk quickly were found to have longer life expectancies.
More mysterious ‘jars of the dead’ have been unearthed in this country
Archeologists in Laos have discovered 15 new sites containing over 100, 1000-year-old stone jars that may have been used for the dead.
NM Police shocked when they pull over a drunk 12-year-old after high-speed chase
In one of the strangest high-speed car chases, New Mexico police pulled over a drunk pre-teen girl. Veuer’s Justin Kircher has the details.
Budget-friendly Memorial Day travel ideas
Trying to narrow down your holiday destination isn’t easy with all the choices in front of you.